Our Values
One Team
Whilst private tutoring is very much about finding that connection and teaching style that best suits you, our philosophy of one team means all our tutors connect and work together to help any individual student.
Instil Confidence
Quite often we find that students know the content but recalling that information is the key. We believe that instilling confidence in our students helps unlock that knowledge more easily, improving clarity and understanding.
Commit & Nurture
As a team we are committed to helping you reach a level where you feel happy with your understanding. The aviation journey inevitably has it's ups and downs and we put value on supporting you through those moments and beyond.
We are highly personable individuals allowing you to quickly feel comfortable in expressing any content concerns you have. We will quickly establish your optimum learning style and tailor our tuition to a method that benefits you best.
We don't claim that our tutors are technical experts in every subject! Instead, our tutors focus and specialise in a specific set of topics to ensure you get the maximum benefit from your investment.
Our experience and blend of having recently completed the ATPL theory exams alongside several years within commercial aviation provides the perfect blend of knowledge and experience.